
  • Dipartimento: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: M-GGR/02
  • Codice di verbalizzazione: 804002415
  • Metodi di insegnamento: Frontale
  • Metodi di valutazione: Orale
  • Prerequisiti: Nothing
  • Obiettivi: LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide students with the tools for interpreting the fundamental economic-territorial planning and governance processes that steer the development of tourism in contemporary European society. The general field of study and application is framed in the sustainable, cohesive and competitive development of economic, social, and territorial systems, offering a theoretical interdisciplinary vision within the Master Course. The course is called 'Cultural Heritage Economics and Technology for Sustainable Touristic Territorial Planning�� then is therefore concerned with clarifying some of these elements and connecting them. The space of connection is the space of policies, which is the field of elaboration of territorial development guidelines. The European context is our working context and therefore the approaches, policies, insights and case studies will be mainly referred to this context. In addition to pdf presentations, the course documentation consists of readings and background documents that will be provided via the Teams platform KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING The course is one of the mandatory exams of the Degree Course in Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy. The topics are dealt with in general and specialised modules and address the evolution of the geographic-economic discipline applied to tourism development in a strongly interdisciplinary and operational/planning key that takes shape in the definition of policies, plans and programmes. The aim is to acquire the tools for interpreting the fundamental economic-territorial processes that guide the development of contemporary society in order to understand the interrelated dynamics between economy, cultural heritage and tourism potential in the framework of sustainable, cohesive and competitive development of economic, social and territorial systems. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will be able to interpret phenomena that assume relevance on a territorial level in relation to diversity and territorial capital at different scales. Therefore the student will acquire the methodological and cognitive tools to understand the different ways of developing the tourism potential of a territory both in terms of local reflections of general and sectoral policies and in terms of territorial impacts. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Through the knowledge gained from the study, the student will be able to assess the main determinants, issues and the unfolding of stakeholders' interests in the different and complex areas of tourism development and will look at public policy formulation at different scales as the context in which the application of appropriate evaluation methods can ensure transparency and involvement. Students will acquire their own judgement through an understanding of the fundamental reference points in explaining the economic-territorial processes underlying tourism development. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The course introduces the student to the specific language of the discipline and enables him/her to participate professionally in contexts requiring knowledge, analysis but also the development of specific policies (both institutional and entrepreneurial contexts). In this sense, the student will be able to identify and communicate, through the geo-economic reading of the topics under study, the fundamental elements of the issues dealt with LEARNING SKILLS: The language and the rationale of the discipline, but also the examination of case studies, open to the student the possibility of knowing not only the topics dealt with but also of accessing the knowledge of other territorial sciences as well as orienting oneself with knowledge in specific territorial contexts for to tackle the problems from the perspective of companies or institutions.
  • Ricevimento: martedi' 9.00-13.00


  • A.A.: 2024/2025
  • Canale: UNICO
  • Crediti: 6

Classe virtuale:

  • Link Microsoft Teams: Link
  • Docente: D'ORAZIO ANGELA